Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Turning Around Failing Projects

Are you a Project Manager who has been assigned to take over a failing project? You are considering rejecting the offer because you believe the job can best be done by a “Turn - around Specialist”? Don’t consider rejecting the offer, you will achieve success if you follow the below tips accordingly. 1. You should first of all identify the vision of the project. If already documented, take it to the project Sponsor for confirmation. If not, create one immediately and take it to the Sponsor for approval. 2. Get your team involved in identifying key issues affecting the project. 3. Choose some of the issues that can be solved immediately, solve them and communicate them to your team. With this, you will build confidence with your Sponsor and your project team. 4. Next step is to plan on how those project issues will be tackled. Identify roles of all the project team and ensure you take your plan to the Sponsor for their support. Don’t hesitate to ask for all the resources that will be required for successful implementation of the project, including time. It is advisable to make your entire request at the beginning of the project, while you are still fresh in the project. 5. After your plan has been accepted by the Sponsor, brief your teams on the proposed plan, key issues you have found that is affecting the project, how you intend to fix those issues, and those issues you have fixed already. 6. Create project Milestones and plan of attack, and put on a wall chart to enhance visibility, and ensure you hold regular progress meeting. 7. Love, hug your” high performing staff” and “underperforming staff “ (who show promise) respectively. Staff that shows no cooperation to your action plan should not be threatened with sack.
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